RECASE Regenerative Energien

Integrated energy systems

RECASE develops intelligent energy concepts, which reasonably combine the generation, consumption, conversion and storage of energy. Against the background of technical reliability, sustainability and efficiency, RECASE analyses in which way the energy sectors power, heat and mobility can be combined in your project.

Examples for energy sector coupling

  • “Power-to-X” applications (e.g. Power-to-Heat) to use regenerative excess energy in storage and conversion processes
  • Integration of lithium-ion battery storages to reduce load peaks and to increase the internal consumption share
  • Integration of latent heat accumulators for the seasonal and low-loss storage of energy
  • Electromobility in conjunction with “direct-current” from renewable energy sources which would enable to relieve grids, to increase the share of the self-sufficiency and to make full use of the ecological potential of the electromobility.
  • Intelligent consumer management in order to adapt production processes to the volatile generation from renewable energies
  • Integration of intelligent control technology, e.g. to be able to switch off subordinated energy consumers at times of low provision of renewable energies