Vier Windenergieanlagen hinter einem Rapsfeld vor blauem Himmel und Wolken.
Photovoltaik-Anlage auf einem Feld, auf dem Gemüse angebaut wird.
Arbeiten an einer Windkraftanlage eines Offshore-Windparks.

Renewable Energies

Our services

RECASE supports you in the implementation of renewable energy projects with tailor-made solutions. We offer you in-depth knowledge, experienced project management, intelligent energy concepts and independent specialist planning.

Collage mit dem RECASE-Logo und sechs Fotos von RECASE-Mitarbeitenden, einer Windkraftanlage und einer Photovoltaikanlage.

Partner for pioneering energy projects

With extensive specialist knowledge and many years of experience, we implement your project in a trusting partnership.

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We are happy to share specialist knowledge, information on current initiatives and insights into our company.